Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie /
Andrew Carnegie
- Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1920
- x, 385 p.
I. Parents and Childhood -- II. Dunfermline and America -- III. Pittsburgh and Work -- IV. Colonel Anderson and Books -- V. The Telegraph Office -- VI. Railroad Service -- VII. Superintendent of the Pennsylvania -- VIII. Civil War Period -- IX. Bridge-Building -- X. The Iron Works -- XI. New York as Headquarters -- XII. Business Negotiations -- XIII. The Age of Steel -- XIV. Partners, Books, and Travel -- XV. Coaching Trip and Marriage -- XVI. Mills and the Men -- XVII. The Homestead Strike -- XVIII. Problems of Labor -- XIX. The "Gospel of Wealth" -- XX. Educational and Pension Funds -- XXI. The Peace Palace and Pittencrieff -- XXII. Matthew Arnold and Others -- XXIII. British Political Leaders -- XXIV. Gladstone and Morley -- XXV. Herbert Spencer and His Disciple -- XXVI. Blaine and Harrison -- XXVII. Washington Diplomacy -- XXVIII. Hay and McKinley -- XXIX. Meeting the German Emperor.
Carnegie, Andrew 1835-1919 Biography.
Industrialists--United States Philanthropists --United States