Landscaping with native plants of the Southwest
George Oxford Miller
- St. Paul, MN Voyageur Press 2007.
- 192 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
An introduction to landscaping with native plants of the Southwest -- Why use native plants -- Landscape zones -- The abc's of native plant landscaping -- Maintaining your landscape -- Landscaping for energy and water conservation, and xeriscaping -- Landscaping with groundcovers -- Landscaping with vines -- Landscaping with cacti -- Landscaping with wildflowers -- Landscaping to attract wildlife -- Native plant profiles.
Gardners use native plants for many reasons.In addition to providing year-round beauty with relatively little maintenance,landscaping with native plants contributes to the repair of the natural ecosyst
0760329680 (softbound) 9780760329689 (softbound)
Native plants for cultivation--Southwestern States. Native plant gardening--Southwestern States. Landscape gardening--Southwestern States. Drought-tolerant plants--Varieties--Southwestern States. Xeriscaping--Southwestern States.