Collier, Basil

The Second World War A Millitary History A short history of the second World War Basil Collier - New York William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1967 - 640 p.

Includes Bibliography and Index

Prelude -- Breakdown in Europe -- On the eve -- The campaign in Poland and the Russo- Finnish war -- The war in the West: the Saar to Narvik -- The war in the West: the climax -- The war in the West: the climax -- The crossroads -- The crossroads -- Germany and Russia -- The Desert war -- The far East -- A ring around Germany: the North and West -- A ring around Germany: the East -- A ring around Germany: the South -- A ring around Germany: the South -- The conquest of Germany -- The conquest of Germany -- The conquest of Germany -- The conquest of Japan -- The conquest of Japan.

A military history from Munich to Hiroshima in one volume

World War, --Campaigns--1939-1945
Military campaigns

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