Nelson, Jack

Cimarron : Where the West was Wildest Jack Nelson - Santa Fe, NM The New Mexican April 16, 1972 - 2 p Newspaper Article 3 digital pages

Mater List Item # 35

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Newspaper Article + photographs 1. Tom Hilton 2. Jack, Jacqueline, Melissa and Michael Nelson 3.Saint James Hotel 4. Map

This article is about touring Cimarron and all its history. Who's who of the West guest of the Saint James Hotel:

Earp brothers, Do Holiday, Bat Masterson, Jesse James, Bob Ford, Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, Mace Bowman, Buffalo Bill Cody, Annie Oakley, and Rev. F.J. Tolby

Wallace, Lew
Gray, Zane
Lambert, Henri
Remington, Frederic
Hilton, Tom
Lambert, Fred
Maxwell, Lucien Bonapart
Allison, Clay (Robert)
Earp, Wyatt
Nelson, Jack

Saint James Hotel
Old Mill Museum
Philmont Scout Ranch
Don Diego Hotel
Ernest Thompson Seton Memorial Library and Museum

Local History
Wild West
Gun Fighters

Cimarron, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Cimarron 36