The Penitente Papers / Print
Charles Aranda
- Albuquerque, NM Charles Aranda (none)
- 59 p. Booklet.
Two copies in files - both labeled #3 - one copy with Dewey 265.63 A and acession #42875, formerly on shelves.
Correspondence, chants.
Penitentes - New Mexico--1946 - 1951 - Correspondence concerning incorporation of the Franternity of Our Lord Jesus the Nazarene and Rules and Consitution approved in 1951.--Correspondence and Minutes of Archbishops Supreme council meetings 1952 - 1954.--1954 1959 Pastoral Letters from Archbishop - Book of Regulations of Council fo Sangre de Cristo.--1960 - Death of Archbishop Byrne - Correspondence of Archbishops Supreme Council .--Exercise of the Good Death - 1885.--Penitente Chants.--Preambulo y La Hermanidad.