Wislizenus, Frederick A.

A tour of Northern Mexico connected with Col. [Colonel] Doniphan's expedition, in 1846 and 1847 Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico A. Wislizenus - Glorieta, N.M. Rio Grande Press 1969 - 141 p - [U.S.] 30th Congress, 1st session, Senate, Miscellaneous no. 26 . - A Rio Grande classic. .

Map on lining papers. Reprint of the 1848 ed., with new introductory material and index.

Publisher's preface / Robert B. McCoy, John T. Strachan --
A tour of Northern Mexico with Colonel Doniphan / by Armand W. Reeder --
Preface --
Memoir --
Botanical appendix --
Meteorological tables --
The geological sketch --
The map --
The barometrical profile --
Mexican coins, measures, and weights.

--Mexico, North--Kansas

--New Mexico

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