New tire shop owners
- Raton, NM Raton Range July 26, 1991
- 1 p Newspaper Article
- Raton Range 7-26-91 .
Master List item # 94
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Newspaper article + Photograph of Sally Brown, Jerri Miller, Ron Rigoni, Barry Withers, John Sisneros and Julian Cruz.
Article reads : The new ownership of Bud Flaming Tire Co. was marked recently with grand opening ceremonies. Marking the occasion where Sally Brown, Owners Jerri Miller and Ron Rigoni, Barry Withers, John Sisneros and Julian Cruz.
Flaming, Bud Brown, Sally Miller, Jerri Rigoni, Ron Withers, Barry Sisneros, John Cruz, Julian
Bud Flaming Tire Company
Business History Local Business Business Openings Tireshops
Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Business 36