Krugers to celebrate 75th anniversary Sunday - Raton, New Mexico Raton Range June 4, 1976 - 2 p Newspaper Article

Master list item #: 76

File location is in the Raton File Cabinet

Includes two articles one with photo.

Newspaper Article on the 75th Anniversary of Henry and Alma Kruger.

Kruger, Henry
Kruger, Alma
Sunderwith, Jim
Kruger, Willard
Kruger, Helen
Maxson, Evelyn
DeVenny, Vera
DeVenny, Everett
Kruger, Karyn Hope
Kruger, Lynn
Kruger, Michelle
Kruger, Kristin

First Baptist Church
Santa Fe, Railroad

Local History
Life and Customs

Raton, New Mexico
Kansas, City, Missouri
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Roscoe, Missouri
Long Beach, California

New Mexico - Cities & Towns - Raton - Biography Anniversaries 36