Uncle Sam wants you (maybe)
Bill Vaughn
- The New Mexican December 7, 1975
- 4 p. Newspaper Article
Master list item #: 20
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Newspaper Article on how the military has changed since 1974. After the World War II and Vietnam war, changes were made within the military making it harder to join.
Oshea, Pam Duncan, Roger Chapman, Paul Prinz, Ray Sanchez, Max Altenhoffen, Leroy Ulloa, Lalo Aragon, Jim
Army Navy Air Force Marines Santa Fe Naval recruiting office
Raton - History Raton - Biography Military Recruitment Military Changes Inlisting High School Graduate Veterans Free Benefits
Northern New Mexico Raton, New Mexico White Sands, New Mexico Santa Fe, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Biographies - Military 36