Holiday marks WWII memories in Raton
Anna Lopez
- Raton, New Mexico Raton Range May 25, 1984
- 2 p. Newspaper Article
Master list item #: 9
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Newspaper Article on memories on Memorial Day for Carl Woodward. WWII Veterian and POW in March 1942. He recalls his time and experience as a POW when captured by the Japanese.
Woodward, Carl
World War II Raton School board Natianal Guard 2nd Battalion 131st Field Artillery
Local History Biography Life and Customs World War II--1942 Pearl Harbor USS Republic POW--March 1942 Servival Railroad of Death Atomic Bomb Coal Mines
Raton, New Mexico San Francisco, California Philippine Islands Japan Fiji Pacific Island Singapore Nagasaki Burma
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Biographies - Military 36