Businessmen plan purchase of Mesa Park Co-Ownership
Sherry Robinson
- Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque Journal June 16, 1985
- 1 p Newspaper Article
- Abuquerque Journal June 16, 1985 .
Master list item #: 1
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article
This article is about a group of local businessmen wanting to purchase La Mesa Park from J.R. Adams.
Adams, J. R.--Owner of Racetrack Peryatel, Jack--Prospective Co-owner Shubert, Ralph--Prospective Co-owner Yob, Vinco Sr.--Prospective Co-owner Yob, Vinco Jr.--Prospective Co-owner Harris, Bill--Prospective Co-owner Rovedo, John--Prospective Co-owner Grant, Bryan--Prospective Co-owner Parr, Janet--Executive Director of the Raton Chamber of Commerce Donati, Bill
La Messa Park New Mexico Racing Commission York Canyon Coal Raton Chamber of Commerce
Racetrack Local Business Business Purchases Business History