Leech, Margaret

Reveille in Washington 1860-1865 Margaret Leech - New York Harper & Brothers Publishers 1941 - 483 p.

Map on lining-papers. "First edition."

Awards:Pulitzer Prize, History, 1942.

The general is older than the capital --
The union, sir, is dissolved --
Arrival of a westerner --
Deserted village --
Home of the brave --
Excursion in Virginia --
All quiet on the Potomac --
Ladies in durance --
Two civilians and General Halleck --
Lost leaders --
The great army of the wounded --
Black, copper and bright --
Winter of security --
Madam president --
Bloodshed in the spring --
Siege in the suburbs --
Portents of a second term --
Star-spangled capital --
Victory, with harshness.

Margaret Leech's history paints a vivid picture of Washington D.C. during the Civil War. In addition to the major events and figures such as Lincoln, Leech uses telling anecdotes and draws upon cameo players such as Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman, Andrew Carnegie, and a Confederate Lady Spy to create a living portrait of a sleepy, unfinished city as it struggles to become the strong capital of a united nation.


Civil War--Washington (D.C.)--1861-1865
Civil War--United States, District of Columbia--1861-1865

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