Cities of Vesuvius Pompeii and Herculaneum
Michael Grant; Illustrated by Werner Forman
- New York The Macmillan Company 1971
- 240 p.
Includes Bibliography and Index
The history of Pompeii and Herculaneum -- Vesuvius -- The towns and their meeting places -- Temples, Gods and Goddesses, and philosophers -- Private houses in town and country -- Paintings, mosaics and furniture -- Farms and trades -- Public life and sexual life.
An exciting new appraisal of Pompeii and Herclaneum, the ancient cities in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius. With magnificent photographs.
Antiquities Pompeii (Extinct city) History Herculaneum (Extinct city) Antiquities Herculaneum (Extinct city) History Pompeii (Extinct city)