Rosenbaum, Jean

Practical psychiatry: how to use in daily living Jean Rosenbaum - West Nyack, New York Parker Pub. Co. 1971 - 232 p.

What this book can do for you
1. The necessity to develop happiness as a basis for richer living
2. How to tell the early signs of emotional problems
3. How to live with yourself and like it
4. How to develop self-honesty and maturity for mental and physical health
5. How to create better mental health through your daily work or occupation
6. How to use leisure to lengthen your healthful life
7. How to profit from criticism
8. Why you may reject the opposite sex and how to overcome this tendency
9. How to determine what sex means to you and how to utilize it intelligently for a better life
10. How to know and remove the causes of an unhappy marriage
11. How to give your best of yourself to your family
12. The crises of accidents and illness
13. How to overcome loneliness
14. How to live with a person having emotional problems

013693580 9780136935803

Mental Health

158.1 Ros 7