Aldrich, Bess Streeterfrey50

The Lieutenant's lady. - New York Appleton-Century Co. 1942 - 275 p.

From the raw little city of Omaha, up the treacherous rivers to the Dakota territory went the army officers who stood guard between civilization and the furious Indian. To young Norman Stafford, awaiting his bride at a distant fort, came not the girl he dreamed of, but Linnie, whom he scarcely knew with the news that his beloved had married someone else. In this touching situation, a strange and lveless marriage was arranged and while Stafford obeyed orders that meant unrelieved hardship and danger, the army wife with a fortitude that matched his own, faced loneliness and dprivations. Soon in love with Stafford, Linnie was not yet loved in return until the life they shared and the realization that the old love was dead showed Stafford that his hard career would be insupportable without Linnie always by his side.

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