Great men & famous women Vol. 3 a series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in history
Edited by Charles G. Horne
- New York Selmar Hess 1894
- 204 p.
- Great men and famous women .
I. Soldiers and sailors.-- II. Statesmen and sages.-- III. Workmen and heroes.-- IV. Artists and authors. Alfred the great -- St. Ambrose -- Archimedes -- Aristotle -- St. Augustine of Canterbury -- St. Augustine of Hippo -- Francis Bacon -- William Bradford -- Augustus Ceasar -- John Calvin -- Charles I. of England -- Letter written on the eve of his execution by Charles I. to his son -- Charles V. of Germany -- Marcus Tullius Cicero -- Nicholas Copernicus -- Oliver Cromwell -- Oliver Cromwell -- David, King of Israel -- Demosthenes -- Diogenes -- Elizabeth,Queen of England -- Frederick, the Great Elector -- Galileo-Galilei -- John Huss -- Isabella of Castile -- Justinian the Great -- John Knox -- Louis XI. of France -- Louis XIV -- Martin Luther -- Letter of affection from Luther to his little son Hans -- Lycurgus -- Mahomet -- Moses -- St. Patrick -- William Penn -- Pericles -- Cardinal Richelieu -- Socrates -- Solomon -- Themistocles