Great men & famous women Vol. 5 a series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in history
Edited by Charles G. Horne
- New York Selmar Hess 1894
- 407 p.
- Great men and famous women .
I. Soldiers and sailors.-- II. Statesmen and sages.-- III. Workmen and heroes.-- IV. Artists and authors. Benedict Arnold -- Peter Cooper -- Charlotte Corday -- General George A Custer -- Sir Humphry Davy -- Thomas Alva Edison -- John Ericsson -- Cyrus W. Field -- General John C. Fremont -- Robert Fulton -- William Lloyd Garrison -- General Charles George Gordon --Nathan Hale 00 Andreas Hofer -- Dr. Edward Jenner -- Elisha Kent Kane -- Thaddeus Kosciusko -- Louis Kossuth -- Marquis De La Fayette -- Ferdinand De Lesseps -- David Livingstone -- Letter of Affection and Advice from Livingstone to his children -- Queen Louise of Prussia --- Marie Antoinette -- Letter to Marie Antoinette from Maira Theresa on the Duties of a sovereign -- Samuel F. B. Morse -- Florence Nightingale -- Dr. Louis Pasteur =-- Madame Roland -- General San Martin -- George Stephenson --- Queen Victoria -- James Watt -- William Wilberforce