Music and Dance of the Tewa Pueblos
Gertrude Prokosch Kurath and Antonio Garcia
- Santa Fe, NM Museum of New Mexico Press 1969
- 309 p
- Museum of New Mexico research records number 8 .
Approach to the study of Tewa ceremony : a technical introduction -- Symbolic dimensions of the setting -- Time : the annual ceremonial cycle -- The performers : social interaction -- Ritual preludes and postludes / by Antonio Garcia and Carlos Garcia -- Circuit orientation -- Horizontal formations -- Body movement in vertical and horizontal dimensions -- Dance and music integration -- Tonal patterns -- Deer spirits herald the dawn -- The awakening season : from Dawn Lake come the raingods -- San Juan girls are singing beautifully, swaying dew baskets -- The ripening season : with their corn growing power they come -- In the fertile valley they have flowers -- Above the dormant Earth beautifully game is emerging -- They come with thunder and lightning -- Pleasure dances for any season -- Matachines : a midwinter drama from Iberia -- Ritual radiation and reception.