HTML 4 for dummies electronic resource
Ed Tittel and Mary C. Burmeister
- 5th ed.
- Hoboken, NJ Wiley Pub., c2005.
- xviii, 407 p. ill. ; 24 cm.
- For dummies .
Introduction -- pt. I. Getting to know (X)HTML -- 1. The least you need to know about HTML and the Web -- 2. Creating and viewing a Web page -- 3. Proper planning prevents poor page performance -- pt. II. Formatting Web pages with (X)HTML -- 4. Creating (X)HTML document structure -- 5. Text and lists -- 6. Linking to online resources -- 7. Finding and using images -- pt. III. Taking precise control over Web pages -- 8. Introducing cascading style sheets -- 9. Using cascading style sheets -- 10. Getting creative with colors and fonts -- 11. Using tables for stunning pages -- pt. IV. Integrating scripts with HTML -- 12. Scripting Web pages -- 13. The nuts and bolts of JavaScript -- 14. Working with forms -- 15. Fun with client-side scripts -- pt. V. HTML projects -- 16. The about me page -- 17. The eBay auction page -- 18. A company site -- 19. A product catalog -- pt. VI. The part of tens -- 20. Ten cool HTML tools -- 21. Ten HTML do's and don'ts -- 22. Ten ways to exterminate Web bugs -- pt. VII. Appendixes -- Appendix A. Deprecated (X)HTML elements and attributes -- Appendix B. Shorthand and aural CSS properties -- Appendix C. Glossary.
A guide to the Web authoring process demonstrates how to use HTML to create and maintain Web pages while discussing Web design, tables, forms, style sheets, and navigation aids