Fine, Doug

Farewell, my Subaru an epic adventure in local living Doug Fine - 1st ed. - New York Villard 2008. - p. cm.

The parking brake wake-up call -- A land like matzah -- Last exit to Wal-Mart -- Livestock shopping in the digital age -- How a former suburbanite can wake up as a full-time goat vet -- The carbon neutral patriot -- The ridiculously oversized American truck -- The kung pao smokescreen -- Diabetes for the earth -- Windmill surfing -- Modern snake charming -- Toxic turbulence -- Smiles, everyone : an on-site inspection of the FBR -- The FBR opens a chicken buffet -- Worse then Elmer Fudd -- Chicken Little was right to be worried -- Reaping rewards.

9781400066445 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1400066441 (hardcover : alk. paper)


Fine, Doug

Environmentalism--New Mexico
Sustainable living--New Mexico
Human ecology--New Mexico
Green movement--New Mexico.

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