Tingle, Tim. frey50

Spirits dark and light : supernatural tales from the Five Civilized Tribes / Tim Tingle. - Little Rock, Ark. : August House, 2006. - 192 p. ; 23 cm.

Cherokee stories. The immortal ones ; The raven mockers ; Spearfinger ; The hunter and the snake ; Eagle slayer -- Choctaw stories. Naloosa Falaya ; The lady who changed ; Hashok Okwa Huiga ; Deerboy and the speckled doe ; No name -- Chickasaw stories. Emma's mother ; Back from the grave ; Tracks in the mud ; Rabbit death ; The jealous witch -- Creek stories. Two friends ; The hunters' wives ; Panther man ; The tie-snakes ; Long-clawed one -- Seminole stories. Old Twisted Horn ; Hungry for meat ; Yerby's apple doll ; Chichibow ; Corn lady.

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Five Civilized Tribes

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