Cries from the earth the outbreak of the Nez Perce War and the Battle of White Bird Canyon, June 17, 1877 /
Outbreak of the Nez Perce War and the Battle of the White Bird Canyon, June 17, 1877
Terry C. Johnston
- St. Martin's Paperbacks ed.
- New York St. Martin's Paperbacks c1999.
- xix, 458 p. ill., maps 18 cm.
- The plainsmen series bk. 14 .
By mid-1877, trouble in the Northwest is brewing like a foul broth. Ill will is growing between white settlers and the Non-Treaty bands of the Nez Perce. The American government is forcing the Indians from their homelands onto the reservation. Many go quietly, thinking more about their families than of the pride of their warriors. But for a few holdouts, there's no room for compromise. Their history, their heritage and their ancestors are buried beneath that land. Although severely outnumbered and outgunned, a few brave warriors will heed the call of...CRIES FROM THE EARTH.
0312969074 (pbk.) : 9780312969073 (pbk.)
Frontier and pioneer life Indians of North America--History--Great Plains