When everything changes, change everything in a time of turmoil, a pathway to peace
Neale Donald Walsch
- Ashland, OR Charlottesville, VA EmNin Books Distributed by Hampton Roads Pub. Co. c2009.
- 299 p. ill. ; 22 cm.
Table of contents Nine changes that can change everything Author's Note Part One: The Mechanics of the Mind 1. The just-in-time book 2. the first change 3. Once upon a time 4. the normal response to change 5. It's jump time 6. the second change 7. The third change 8. The fourth change 9. There is only one emotion 10. All about the aftereffect 11. Notice the moment 12. Where our truth comes from 13. O snakes and lions and humans too 14. And now, A life-altering question 15. the end of part one Part Two: The System of the Soul. 16. the answer to everything 17. the fifth change; 18. the sixth change; 19. the eternal journey of the soul; 20. the power of perspective; 21. the seventh change; 22. the eighth change; 23. life's wonder; 24. the ninth change; Afterword
A dear one has died. Or a romantic relationship has ended. Or a job that was once going to be your career has just evaporated. Or you're suddenly facing a health crisis, or a financial crisis, or a crisis of faith--whatever the circumstance, you are sure about one thing: Nothing will ever be the same. Deep sadness, even bitter negativity, can sometimes follow. What to do then? End the life you've been living? Yes! That's the startling answer from modern-day spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch in a book that will touch lives with uplifting hopefulness. Speaking to the heart of every person who has lost their bearings in the aftermath of a major life change, and to those who would help them, he offers inspired insights on the way to move on and a breathtaking reason to do so.--From publisher description.