P.A.L. Public Access Library System for New Mexico. A Feasibility Analysis
Dr. Ralph M. Shoffner
- New Mexico. December 20, 1978
- 96 p.
Master list item #17
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet drawer 3
Book on P.A.L Public Access Library System for New Mexico A Feasibility Analysis Table of contents - Acknowledgements and list of figures 1. Introduction and summary A. Purpose B. Approach C. Scope D. Principal results and recommendations 2. Backgrounds A. The population of New Mexico B. Library services and expenditures in New Mexico C. Library networks in the nation 3. The proposed Library Network A. Structure of the network B. Operation of the PAL System C. Public access in all libraries D. Interface between PAL System and circulation 4. System Implementations A. Organization and staffing B. PAL computer facility set uo C. Data Base development 1. Overview 2. Estimation of total titles in existing data bases 3. Additional input of Library holdings 5. Analysis of costs and Benefits A. Effects upon Interlibrary Loan B. projected costs of the PAL System 1. Computer System Costs 2. PAL System staffing 3. Special Studies 4. NEMISYS II Data base Development 5. COM Publications of NEMISYS II Data Base 6. Interlibrary transfer of Materials C. Budget Summary and Analysis D. Benefits of the PAL System 1. What are the benefits of the PAL System? 2. What are the liabilities of the PAL system? 3. Who benefits? 4. What is the future of the PAL System?
Appendix - Washington Library Network A. Source B. Expected System configuration C. Software Costs D. Installation and operation costs E. Building the Data Base F. Operations Notes G. Continuing Development
This report presents the results of a feasibility analysis concerned with setting up a computer based library network to improve the delivery of library services throughout New Mexico. This analysis was commissioned by the Legislature of the State of New Mexico and was carried out under the aegis of the New Mexico State Library.
Library.--Library science.--New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Library File # 1 36