Boyne, John

Boy in the striped pajamas a fable The boy in the striped pajamas John Boyne - 1st American ed. - New York David Fickling Books 2006. - 215 p. 21 cm.

Bored and lonely after his family moves from Berlin to a place called "Out-With" in 1942, Bruno, the son of a Nazi officer, befriends a boy in striped pajamas who lives behind a wire fence.


0385751060 9780385751063 0385751079 (lib. bdg.) 9780385751070 (lib. bdg.)


Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)

Concentration camps--Poland
Holocaust, Jewish --(1939-1945)
World War --Jews--1939-1945

jBoy 17