Barck, Oscar Theodore

Since 1900; a history of the U. S. in our times. Oscar Theodore Barck, Jr. and Nelson Manfred Blake - New York Macmillan Publixhing Co., Inc. 1974 - 821 p

The good old days --
Roosevelt and reform --
The battle of the progressives --
The American empire --
Search for security and peace --
The new freedom --
The road to war --
The war for democracy --
Peace and disillusionment --
The Republican restoration --
Foreign affairs, 1921-1929 --
Reactionaries and rebels --
Prosperity --
Hoover and the Great Depression --
Hoover's quest for world stability --
New Deal triumphant --
New Deal on the defensive --
Depression America --
Gathering clouds --
The prelude to Pearl Harbor --
The Global War --
The home front --
The mirage of peace --
Tribulations of Truman --
Changing America --
Eisenhower republicanism --
The United States in a troubled world --
A new age of reform --
Struggle of the blacks --
The Vietnam tragedy --
The computer age and its critics --
The Nixon majority.

Surveys political events and social and economic trends in America from the Progressive Era to the Watergate scandal.




--United States--20th century

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