Malone, Marianne

Sixty-eight rooms The sixty-eight rooms Marianne Malone; Illustrated by Greg Call - 1st ed. - New York Random House, c2010. - 274 p. ill. ; 22 cm. - Sixty-Eight Rooms Adventures Series Book 1 .

Ruthie thinks nothing exciting will ever happen to her until her sixth-grade class visits the Art Institute of Chicago, where she and her best friend Jack discover a magic key that shrinks them to the size of gerbils and allows them to explore the Thorne Rooms--the collection of sixty-eight miniature rooms from various time periods and places--and discover their secrets.


9780375957109 (reinforced) 9780375857102 (hardcover) 0375857109 (hardcover)


Art Institute of Chicago

Miniature rooms
School field trips

jMal 17