The Complete poetry and selected prose of John Milton
Introd. by Cleanth Brooks.
- New York Modern Library [1950]
- xxiv, 756 p. 19 cm.
- Modern Library college editions, 132 .
This volume includes, among all the poetry, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes, Lycidas, L'Allegro and IL Penseroso, and, in the prose section, the famouse Areopagitica and many other great essays.
A chronology of Milton's life -- Minutes of the life of Mr. John Milton / John Aubrey -- A chronology of Milton's poetry -- English poems -- English and Italian sonnets -- Latin and Greek poems. Elegiac verse ; Book of elegies ; Book of miscellaneous poems -- Late masterpieces -- Prose works. Familiar letters ; Prolusions ; Controversial prose.
An anthology of works by the influential poet and author encompasses all of his major narrative poems, his shorter verses, his essays, and such influential treatises as "Areopagitica," a criticism of censorship, enhanced by on-page explanatory notes and scholarly commentary.