Hide and seek : reclaiming childhood's lost potential
Reclaiming childhood's lost potential
Ditta M. Oliker
- Los Angeles, California F&D Publ., c2010.
- xvii, 180 p. 23 cm.
Contents Prologue Part one: The opponent within and how it came to be you Chapter one - Unhappily ever after Chapter two - Happily ever after Chapter three - Understanding your "Need to" Chapter four - Beginning to change the opponent Part Two: The three basic elements of a survival system Chapter five - His individuality Chapter six - Understanding individuality Chapter seven - Recognizing your uniqueness Chapter eight - Environmental demands of childhood Chapter nine - Parents' belief as to the nature of the world Chapter ten - Parents' belief as to the nature of parenting Chapter eleven - Changing the effect of parent beliefs Chapter twelve - Family secrets Chapter thirteen - Family myths Chapter fourteen - Family power Chapter fifteen - Changing the effects of secrets, myths and power Chapter sixteen - A poorness of fit Chapter seventeen - Fixing the fit Chapter eighteen - Fixing the fit Part Three : Breaking free from a survival system Chapter nineteen - the life you save may be your own Bibliography About the author Index
The true promise of this book is of being able to change that which has been unchangeable. It challenges the reader to objectively ask: "Is there some hidden need for me to not get what I want? Do I unknowingly and consistently sabotage myself?" Hide and Seek: Reclaiming Childhood's Lost Potential offers an insightful answer by proposing that one's childhood may have required an adaptive survival system in response to a dysfunctional family environment. This system then becomes the sabotaging force that limits adult potential. Its power to stay hidden prevents its disclosure even in therapy. The behavior manifested by the system is often labeled by others as irrational, juvenile, or even "neurotic". Using personal stories of patients, familiar fables, core psychological information and innovative strategies for change, the book empowers the reader to examine his or her life within family patterns and offers a comprehensible approach to self-understanding and self-respect.-- website.