Teen smoking /
Hayley Mitchell Haugen, book editor.
- San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, c2004.
- 80 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- At issue .
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Teen smoking : an overview / Susan Dominus -- Teen smoking is a serious problem / Bruce Epstein -- Antismoking efforts should target both adults and teens / Mike A. Males -- Laws to prevent youth access to cigarettes are ineffective / P.M. Ling, A. Landman, and S.A. Glantz -- Antismoking campaigns make smoking more attractive to teens / Mark Bowden -- Countermarketing campaigns can reduce teen smoking / Matthew C. Farrelly ... [et al.] -- State antismoking programs work / National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council -- Government antismoking campaigns are socialist propaganda / Vic Bilson -- Television viewing may encourage youth smoking / Pradeep P. Gidwani ... [et al.] -- Contemporary films often advertise tobacco brands / James D. Sargent ... [et al.] -- Tobacco advertising is not solely responsible for teen smoking / Jim Karrh -- High schools should accommodate teen smokers / Madeline Franklin.
Authors examine the causes and consequences of teen smoking and debate the best methods to keep youths from lighting up.