Siegel, Bernie S. frey50

A book of miracles : inspiring true stories of healing, gratitude, and love / by Bernie S. Siegel with Andrea Furst ; foreword by Deepak Chopra. - Novato, Calif. : New World Library, 2011. - xvi, 294 p. ; 21 cm.

Bernie Siegel first wrote about miracles when he was a practicing surgeon and founded Exceptional Cancer Patients, a groundbreaking synthesis of group, individual, dream, and art therapy that provided patients with a "confrontation." Compiled during his more than thirty years of practice, speaking, and teaching, the stories in these pages are riveting, warm, and belief expanding. Without diminishing the reality of pain and hardship, the stories show real people turning crisis into blessing by responding to adversity in ways that empower and heal. They demonstrate what we are capable of and show us that we can achieve miracles as we confront life's difficulties.

9781577319689 (hardback) 1577319680 (hardback)


Mental healing.
Mind and body.
BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth.
SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational.
MEDICAL / Healing.
MEDICAL / Holistic Medicine.

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