Richards, Emilie

Truth for a truth A truth for a truth Emilie Richards - Large print ed. - Waterville, Me. Thorndike Press, 2011. - 437 p. (large print) 23 cm. - Ministry is murder Book 5 . - Thorndike Press large print core .

After Godwin "Win" Dorchester, a former minister of the Consolidated Community Church, dies suddenly during a celebration of his return to Emerald Springs, his memorial service is cut just as short. The coroner's office has requested an autopsy, and minister's wife Aggie Sloan-Wilcox is the first to learn why. Win, beloved among the congregation, was murdered - and the number one suspect is his widow. Hildy Dorchester may be meddlesome, but Aggie knows her predecessor, a relentless do-gooder, isn't a killer.

9781410436252 (hardcover) 141043625X (hardcover)


Sloan-Wilcox, Aggie (Fictitious character)
Spouses of clergy
Large type books.


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