Zinczenko, David. frey50

Eat this, not that! 2012 : the no-diet weight loss solution / by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding. - New! updated 2012 edition. - Emmaus, Pa. : Rodale, c2011. - xli, 326 p. : col. ill. ; 17 cm.

Includes index.

The year in food -- The truth about your food -- At your favorite restaurants -- At the supermarket -- Holidays & special occasions -- Eat this, not that! for kids -- Cook this, not that!.

Presents nutritional information for hundreds of popular brand name and restaurant foods, with practical substitutions that can help people cut calories and fat and lose weight.

9781609610654 (pbk.) 1609610652 (pbk.)

Functional foods.
Convenience foods.
Convenience foods--Health aspects

613.25 Zin 12