Victor Grant Collection, Album 5, Photograph 247 Elmer Whiteman, John Livingston, Eva Livingston Visual
- 1 piece Black & white 13 cm x 9 cm Photograph
From collection of photographs compiled by Victor Grant, descendant of the Maxwell / Beaubien family.
Located in Office Closet
Designation 5.247 in listing stands for Album 5, Photograph 247.
Informal full length photograph taken outside. Although this photograph has no names listed, the three individuals appear in Photographs 5.245, 5.246, and 5.248. This photograph and photograph 5.248 were taken at the same time.
Whiteman, Elmer Livingston, Eva W. Livingston, John Maxwell - Beaubien family
Livingstone family New Mexico Whiteman family New Mexico Genealogy - Photographic collection.