Victor Grant Collection, Album 5, Photograph 251 Whiteman family, Nov. 22, 1949 Visual
- 1 piece Black & white 8 cm x 15 cm Photograph
From collection of photographs compiled by Victor Grant, descendant of the Maxwell / Beaubien family.
Located in Office Closet
Designation 5.251 in listing stands for Album 5, Photograph 251
Left to right, standing: Paul Whiteman, John Whiteman, Henry "Pete" Gimson, Elmer Whiteman, Ray WHiteman, unknown lady with book, Josephine Whiteman in dark coat. Left to right, kneeling: Jim Lail, Hugh Whiteman.
Whiteman, Paul Whiteman, John Gimson, Henry "Pete" Whiteman, Elmer Whiteman, Ray Whiteman, Josephine Lail, Jim Whiteman, Hugh
Whiteman family. New Mexico Genealogy - Photographic collection.