Tyson, Neil deGrasse. frey50

Space chronicles : facing the ultimate frontier / Neil deGrasse Tyson ; edited by Avis Lang. - 1st ed. - New York : W.W. Norton, c2012. - xv, 364 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes index.

Pt. 1: Why. The allure of space ; Exoplanet Earth ; Extraterrestrial life ; Evil aliens ; Killer asteroids ; Destined for the stars ; Why explore ; The anatomy of wonder ; Happy birthday, NASA ; The next fifty years in space ; Space options ; Paths to discovery -- Pt. 2: How. To fly ; Going ballistic ; Race to space ; 2001 : fact vs. Fiction ; Launching the right stuff ; Things are looking up ; For the love of Hubble ; Happy anniversary, Apollo 11 ; How to reach the sky ; The last days of the space shuttle ; Propulsion for deep space ; Balancing acts ; Happy anniversary, Star Trek ; How to prove you've been abducted by aliens ; The future of US space travel -- Pt. 3: Why not. Space travel troubles ; Reaching for the stars ; America and the emergent space powers ; Delusions of space enthusiasts ; Perchance to dream ; By the numbers ; Ode to Challenger, 1986 ; Spacecraft behaving badly ; What NASA means to America's future -- Epilogue: The cosmic perspective. -- Appendix A. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended -- Appendix B. Selected statutory provisions applicable to NASA -- Appendix C. A half century of NASA spending 1959-2010 -- NASA spending 1959-2010 -- NASA spending as a percentage of US Federal Government spending and of US GDP 1959-2010 -- Space budget: global 2010 -- Space budgets: US and non-US governments 2010.

Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson presents his views on the future of space travel and America's role in that future, giving his readers an eye-opening manifesto on the importance of space exploration for America's economy, security, and morale.

9780393082104 (hardcover) 0393082105 (hardcover)


United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Astronautics and state--United States.
Manned space flight--Forecasting.
Astronautics--Government policy--United States.
Space flight--Forecasting.

Outer space--Exploration.
Outer space--Exploration.

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