Katz, Jon

Rose in a storm a novel Jon Katz - Center Point large print ed. - Thorndike, Me. : Center Point Pub., 2011. - 271 p. (large print) ; 23 cm.

Rose is a working dog devoted to keeping the sheep and other creatures at Bedlam Farm out of danger. But as the weather grows cold, Rose senses danger--a storm unlike any she's seen. When an epic blizzard finally strikes, Rose needs all her courage to help her master save the farm.

9781602859203 (lg. print : alk. paper) 1602859205 (lg. print : alk. paper)


Bedlam Farm (West Hebron, N.Y.)
Bedlam Farm (West Hebron, N.Y.)

Human-animal relationships
Farm life
Large type books.

Kat 38