Lecouteux, Claude

Secret history of poltergeists and haunted houses from pagan folklore to modern manifestations The secret history of poltergeists and haunted houses Claude Lecouteux ; translated by Jon E. Graham. - 1st U.S. ed. - Rochester, Vt. Inner Traditions, 2012. - vii, 246 p. ill. ; 23 cm.

Translation of: La maison hantee : histoire des poltergeists.

Introduction : things that go bump in the night -- What is a poltergeist? -- A smidgeon of objectivity -- Mischief-making spirits of the Middle Ages -- The knocking and noise-making dead -- Deviltry, magic, sorcery, and poltergeists -- Brownies and poltergeists -- Two striking tales -- Singular manifestations.

"Exploring accounts of poltergeists from ancient Greece and Rome, medieval Europe, and the modern world, Claude Lecouteux finds that while our interpretations of poltergeists may change, the manifestations always follow a similar course and evolution."--P. [4] of cover.

9781594774652 (pbk.)



Haunted houses--History.

133.142 Lec 7