Arison, Shari

Activate your goodness : transforming the world through doing good Shari Arison - 1st ed. - Carlsbad, California Hay House 2013. - 144 p. 19 cm.

Introduction: My passion for doing good
Calling all to do good
Doing good for yourself
Doing good for those closest to you
Doing good in your daily life
Doing good for your community and country
Reflections of doing good
Doing good for humanity
Doing good for the planet
How doing good transforms your life
International Good Deeds Day
Afterword: Awakening to a new choice
a choice to do good

A practical guide for doing good for yourself and others, offering you inspiration for immediate improvement of your life and the lives of those around you.

9781401937973 (hbk. : alk. paper) : 1401937977 (hbk. : alk. paper) :



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