Screwed! : how foreign countries are ripping America off and plundering our economy-- and how our leaders help them do it /
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann ; [illustrations, Clayton Liotta].
- 1st ed.
- New York : Broadside Books, 2012.
- xiv, 351 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
A world without democracy ; America without sovereignty -- Trick or treaties : how the European Union is preempting Congress and binding us through international treaties -- China -- Pakistan -- Afghanistan -- Saudi Arabia -- The United Nations of corruption -- The World Bank -- Foreign aid : biting the hand that feeds them -- In our backyard : the Chavez-Ahmadinejad alliance -- The enemy within.
Tackling the next threat to America--globalism--two New York Times best-selling authors reveal how foreign countries are pillaging our economy with the help of our own political and business leaders and offer solutions for combating this growing problem.