Bright, William. frey50

Native American placenames of the Southwest : a handbook for travelers / Print William Bright ; edited and with an introduction by Alice Anderton and Sean O'Neill. - Norman, OK University of Oklahoma Press, c2013. - xxx, 143 p. : maps ; 23 cm. Paperback book

Have you ever wondered where names such as Tucson, Waco or Tulsa originated? native American placenames like these occura ll across the American Southwest. This guide provides fascinating informatino about the meaning and origins of southwestern placenames. Entries give the state and county, along with all available information on pronunciation, the names of the language from which the name derives, the name's literal meaning and relevant history.

9780806143118 (pbk. : alk. paper) 0806143118 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9780806124445 (pbk. : alk. paper) 080612444X (pbk. : alk. paper)


Names, Geographical--Southwest, Old.
Names, Geographical--Southwest, New.
Names, Indian--Southwest, Old.
Names, Indian--Southwest, New.
Names, Geographical.
Names, Indian.

Southwest, Old--History, Local.
Southwest, New--History, Local.
Southwest, New.
United States--Southwest, Old.

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