Caputo, Theresa

There's more to life than this : healing messages, remarkable stories, and insight about the other side from the Long Island medium Theresa Caputo with Kristina Grish. - 1st Atria Books hardcover edition. - New York Artisan 2014 - xiv, 240 pages 24 cm

Introduction: Welcome to my life! -- Me and Spirit: A match made in heaven -- Don't shoot the messenger -- Who are the spirits on the other side? -- So, you want to connect with souls in heaven? -- Once you're dead, then what? -- God and his humbling abode -- E does not equal MC Hammer -- Negative energy... do not enter -- Three not-so-little words: Health, grief, and healing -- Spirit gets the final say -- Afterword: A word from my ghost ... er Spirit ... writer.

Medium Theresa Caputo, star of the television show Long Island Medium, opens the door to her world and invites you to experience her exceptional gift of communicating with those who've crossed over to the Other Side. The always funny, frank, and down-to-earth medium -- whether she's talking to her family, the local butcher, or the souls of those who've passed on -- began communicating with Spirit at the age of four, but didn't fully accept her gift until she was thirty-three years old. She had a good life as a busy wife and working mom, but also suffered from chronic anxiety that, as it turned out, came from ignoring her abilities. Once Theresa began channeling, she realized that she felt much better after delivering a message from Spirit and releasing that energy. Since then she's used her extraordinary gift to help people heal from the loss of their loved ones.



Caputo, Theresa

Women mediums--New York--New York.
Spiritualists--New York--New York.

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