Slavin, Stephen L. frey50

All the math you'll ever need a self-teaching guide Steve Slavin - Rev. ed. - New York John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1999. - x, 230 pages illustrations ; 24 cm

Simple multiplication -- Long multiplication -- Division -- Fast multiplication and division -- Multiplying and dividing with decimals -- Converting fractions into decimals and decimals into fractions -- Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions -- Advanced word problems -- Percentages -- Negative numbers -- The isolation of x -- Exponents and square roots -- Ratios and proportions -- Finding the areas of rectangles and triangles -- Finding the circumferences and areas of circles -- Rate, time, and distance problems -- Finding x: advanced problems -- Interest rates -- Big numbers -- A taste of statistics -- Personal finances -- Business math.

Reviews the practical math skills used in everyday personal and professional life; offers techniques for working with decimals and fractions; and demonstrates methods of figuring discounts, calculating interest rates, and working out time, rate, and distance problems.

0471317519 9780471317517



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