The water-wise home : how to conserve, capture, and reuse water in your home and landscape /
Laura Allen.
- North Adams, MA Storey Publishing 2015
- 256 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Water-wise basics. Why conserve water? ; What's wrong with our water systems ; Saving water in the home and landscape -- Water-wise solutions. Greywater reuse: planning your home system ; Installing your greywater system ; Rainwater harvesting: planning your system ; Building rainwater harvesting systems ; Waterless and composting toilets.
Presents a guide to building systems for the home that reuse and conserve water, including constructing rain gardens, installing greywater systems, and purchasing a waterless composting toilet. --Publisher's description.
9781612121697 1612121691 9781612121697
Water reuse. Water conservation. Water-supply. Gardens--Irrigation.