The essential Bernie Sanders and his vision for America
Jonathan Tasini
- White River Junction, Vermont Chelsea Green Publishing 2015
- xii, 162 pages 21 cm
Economy: 10 ways to make it work for everyone -- Health care: a right for all -- Education: free public college, reduce student debt -- Environment: save the planet, transform our energy use -- Taxes: the wealthy need to pay their fair share -- Wall Street: too big to fail? Too big to exist -- Workers: unions and rebuilding the middle class -- Family values: our shared responsibility -- Society: expand social security, medicare, and medicaid -- Politics: billionaires cannot buy our democracy -- Infrastructure: rebuild America -- Veterans: care for them when they come home -- Agriculture: our food, our farmers, our health -- Immigration: keep the American dream alive -- Civil rights: the long road to justice -- Foreign policy: peace and diplomacy, not war -- Foreign trade: for people and the planet, not corporations -- Media: a neutral 'net, making sure all voices are heard -- Government oversight: what is the Fed doing with your money? -- Personal liberty: freedom and unity.
In this short, accessible book, author Jonathan Tasini draws heavily from Sanders' ample public record of speeches, statements, and interviews, and couples his working-class spirit with specific legislation he has championed on a number of core proposals that comprise a broader people's agenda for America. --Publisher's description.