The collapse of parenting : how we hurt our kids when we treat them like grown-ups : the three things you must do to help your child or teen become a fulfilled adult / Print
Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D..
- New York Basic Books (Perseus Books Group)
- vii, 287 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm Hardback book
Part one: Problems. Introduction: parents adrift -- The culture of disrespect -- Why are so many kids overweight? -- Why are so many kids on medication? -- Why are American students falling behind? -- Why are so many kids so fragile? -- Part two: Solutions. What matters? -- Misconceptions -- The first thing: teach humility -- The second thing: enjoy -- The third thing: the meaning of life -- Conclusion.
Physician, psychologist, and author Leonard Sax presents data documenting a dramatic decline in the achievement and psychological health of American children. But there is hope. Sax shows how parents can help their kids by reasserting their authority--by limiting time with screens, by encouraging better habits at the dinner table and at bedtime, and by teaching humility and perspective.