Anger Management A-Z: 26 life lessons for your success Print
Bonnett, Sheila K.
- Raton, NM Bookset & Worthy Media 2016
- 187 p. Paperback book.
Contents How to use this workbook Pre-Test ABC's to control, alter, delete anger WHat is the basis for your anger? Choices and consequences Displaced anger: the blame game Expectations determine outcome Family: Friend or Foe? Guilt Health and anger Increasing your power and impulse control Judgment and assumption Knowledge is power Lies, Lies, Lies Magnifying challenges Natural consequences Overwhelming pain of anger Playing the hand you're dealt Questions Relating to others: Better communication Self-Care Listen/Silent United you stand Violence Why? Factors of X Yielding to yahoos and yokels Zummery Post-Test Inspired by Quotes Biographical
If you think you may have an anger problem or been told you have an anger problem, this book will give you skills to manage anger, irritability or grumpiness. The content is clearly understood and helpful in the anger management process.
Anger Management--Workbook.--. Psychological works