Yeoman, R. S.

A guide book of United States coins Guide book of United States coins 2016 United States coins 2016 Official red book of United States coins R.S. Yeoman ; senior editor, Kenneth Bressett ; research editor, Q. David Bowers ; valuations editor, Jeff Garrett. - 69th edition. - Atlanta, Georgia Whitman Publishing, LLC 2015 - 447 pages color illustrations ; 20 cm. - The official red book .

"Fully illustrated catalog and retail valuation list--1616 to date."

Shows and lists current prices for antique American coins.

9780794843052 0794843050 9780794843045 0794843042

Coins American
Coins--Collectors and collecting
Coins, American--Prices
Coins, American--History

737.4973 737.4973 Yeo 13