Adolescent health & wellness / Print
Adolescent health and wellness
editor, Paul Moglia, PhD, South Nassau Communities Hospital, Oceanside, NY.
- First edition.
- Ipswich, MA Salem Press 2015
- 1 online resource (3 volumes) : illustrations.
- Volume 3 . - Salem health .
- .
Volume 1. Advice from Teens-Grief and Loss -- volume 2. Health and Illness: Diseases and Conditions-Relationships: Friends, Family, and Dating -- volume 3. School and Jobs: Skills for Success-Your Emotional and Mental Health.
Covers all aspects of adolescent health and wellness, broken down into three major areas that typically affect adolescents: physical and emotional issues; non-health topics with tremendous potential impact, like safe sex, paying for college, bullying, and leadership; and socially relevant issues, like shopping locally and recycling.
Teenagers--Health and hygiene Health behavior in adolescence Teenagers--Mental health Teenagers--Drug use Teenagers--Sexual behavior Teenagers HEALTH & FITNESS--Healthy Living. HEALTH & FITNESS--Holism. HEALTH & FITNESS--Reference. MEDICAL--Preventive Medicine. Health behavior in adolescence. Teenagers.