Le Carre, John

Legacy of spies A legacy of spies John Le Carre - New York Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House 2017 - 264 pages 24 cm. - George Smiley Novels Book 9 .

"Peter Guillam, staunch colleague and disciple of George Smiley of the British Secret Service, otherwise known as the Circus, is living out his old age on the family farmstead on the south coast of Brittany when a letter from his old Service summons him to London. The reason? His Cold War past has come back to claim him. Intelligence operations that were once the toast of secret London, and involved such characters as Alec Leamas, Jim Prideaux, George Smiley and Peter Guillam himself, are to be scrutinized under disturbing criteria by a generation with no memory of the Cold War and no patience with its justifications."--Book jacket.

9780735225114 9780525557746


Smiley, George (Fictitious character)--Fiction.
Intelligence service--Great Britain--Fiction.
Intelligence officers--England--Fiction.
Cold War--Fiction.

Great Britain.

PR6062.E33 / L44 2017

Le C 2